Center For Birth Healing

Find Immediate Relief

with Life-Changing Results

In Fewer Sessions

with Specialized Pelvic Health Physical Therapy 

in Longmont, CO and Online


Welcome to the Center for Birth Healing 

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy
I Understand, and I Can Help

I’m here to help you feel better during pregnancy and after birth!  

I can help you get back to living your life fully without pain or issues.

I understand all the discomforts that may occur after giving birth –  you’re not alone, and I have solutions to restore your strength and function so you can do the things you love to do.


Pelvic Health Physical Therapy
Serving the Denver and Boulder Area

We’re here to help you feel better during pregnancy and after birth!  

We can help you get back to living your life fully without pain.

  • We understand the concerns of new moms – you’re not alone, and we have solutions to put your fears to rest.
  • We understand the discomfort and dysfunction that may occur after giving birth –  you’re not alone, and we have solutions to restore strength and function so you can do the things you love to do.

I’m Different
Not Your Typical Physical Therapist

My clients tell me they really appreciate my healing approach because:

  • I know how to listen to your body to help guide us to the root cause of your problems.
  • I work holistically, addressing physical, emotional, and energetic causes.
  • I use a gentle yet effective touch without creating pain.
  • I eliminate pain and discomfort in fewer sessions to get you back to the activities you love.
  • My sessions are in a private, comfortable treatment space, not in a busy gym. 

I am committed to working with you to explore and discover a personalized plan to prepare your body for labor/delivery and guide you through recovery after birth.

I Can Help You

  • Feel confident and prepared with Pregnancy Prep Care.
  • Heal after birth with Postpartum Care
  • Enjoy pain-free living with Pelvic and Low Back Care.
  • Stay fresh and dry with Incontinence Care.
  • With pelvic organ support with Prolapse Recovery Care.
  • Pessary Fitting for Pelvic Organ Prolapse
  • Return to your normal activities with Diastasis Recti Care.
  • Enjoy sex again with Painful Intercourse Care.
  • Feel at ease in your body with Trauma Care.
  • Feel confident and prepared with Pregnancy Prep Care.
  • Heal after birth with Postpartum Care
  • Enjoy pain-free living with Pelvic and Low Back Care.
  • Stay fresh and dry with Incontinence Care.
  • With pelvic organ support with Prolapse Recovery Care.
  • Return to your normal activities with Diastasis Recti Care.
  • Enjoy sex again with Painful Intercourse Care.
  • Feel at ease in your body with Trauma Care.


"I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am. The pain is just gone. Also, I can feel a lot more mobility when stretching, as you suggested I would. I can't believe I just accepted the pain and lack of mobility for as long as I did. Thank you, Thank You"
Julie R.
"things have shifted for me - enormously. My appointment with you has been on my mind incessantly. Really. I felt so open and available to the inquiring and learning....and I'm so proud of myself for that. You have such an incredible gift. By the way, I'm wearing my jeans today...... I can't wait to return."
Maria S.
"Thank you so much for everything you did for me - you gave me some great information and some things to work on physically and energetically, like I said before - that was so much more than I expected from the session! I truly appreciate you and the work you do."
Sarah T.
I want to thank you again for your brilliance and genius work! Last night is the first time in over 30 years and I only woke up once to go to the bathroom (from 3-5/night) from the time I went to bed at 8:30pm when I got up at 5 in the morning! And I'm noticiing incredible relief during the day as well. I'm just so grateful!
Michelle B.

Ways to Help You


Tuesdays and Wednesdays



Tuesdays and Wednesday

Zoom Telehealth 

Center for Birth Healing
Immediate Relief with Life-changing Results in Less Sessions
Longmont clinic:  1490 Clover Creek Dr. 
Boulder County: Mobile Visit In Your Home/Office 
Send us a message!  We will be back in touch with you within one business day to answer any questions.


    About Lynn

    Lynn Schulte

    Lynn Schulte, PT

    As a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist and Birth Healing Practitioner, I know exactly what to look for in your body to help support greater comfort during pregnancy, prepare you for smoother labor, and speed up your recovery after birth. I work with your body in a way that creates releases of tight tissues without creating pain. I know how to get to the root cause of your issues so a deeper, lasting healing can occur.  I ams passionate about helping you to feel better in your body and living a full life.