How to Lose the Pooch for Good

If you just had your baby or your baby is 20+ years old, you can learn to strengthen your abdominal muscles, get rid of your “Pooch” and help cure a Diastasis Recti (separation of your 6-pack abdominal muscle). 

Come learn how to exercise and strengthen your body safely and effectively.  

This class is a must for anyone who wants to lose inches in their belly, get back into their pre-pregnancy clothes faster, and heal a split in their belly.

In this class you will learn how to:

  • Lose inches in your belly
  • Feel Confidence and strong  when returning to exercise
  • Return to your pre-pregnancy clothes FASTER
  • Heal your abdominal separation

This class fills up fast so register today online!


Here’s what past participants are saying about the class:

“I’ve been reasonably good with the exercises and have noticed a major difference (as advertised!).  I’m back to pre-pregnancy weight and clothing, and most people don’t believe I had a baby less than 4 months ago.”  DW

“The exercises worked so fast and helped me feel confident.  Thank you for your support at the perfect time when I needed help and inspiration to work with my body.  The class was supportive, non-judgmental, and inviting and I took a lot of tools with me that I can use for a long time to come.” AD                                                                                    

“I just tried buttoning a coat that even a couple of weeks ago I hadn’t been able to button, and it closed! I wanted to let you know and thank you so much for the information from the class last weekend.  It’s hard to believe a few simple exercises can make such a big difference, especially since I’m not doing them as often as I should.  But my pants and shirts are already fitting a little looser, and it’s not because I’m losing weight. I can’t imagine what will happen in a few more weeks, especially if I start doing the exercises as frequently as I should.  Thank you for passing on such valuable information! Having results in a matter of days is truly incredible, especially for women like me who tend to not lose weight while nursing.” N

“Time well spent!  I also attended this class and left with a much better understanding of abdominal musculature and what I could do to recover and protect my abdominal tone. It was great to get a quick assessment of where I was at.   Knowing which exercises to do first, and which to wait on and WHY left me feeling empowered and supported.  A light, fun, and informative class!” LE                


This class fills up fast so register right away. 


Preparing Your Client’s Body for Birth,  Key Concepts for a Smoother Birth

Attention Birth Professionals Caring for Pregnant Clients

Would you like to help your clients have shorter, smoother births?

Then attend this FREE Online Masterclass where you will learn:

  • Ways to better support your clients for a smoother birth. 
  • Key questions you should ask your clients and why they are important.
  • 3 areas of the body that should be assessed before labor
  • Ways to support pelvic opening during labor and positions that encourage babies’ passage
  • How daily activities can positively and negatively influence a birth 

 The issues a person brings in their body to their birth and how they can influence their labor are important in supporting a smoother birth.   

Come learn how to better support your clients through pregnancy and birth!


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